Monday, August 25, 2008

Shawshank Redemption

I enjoyed the film because the storyline and plot kept it interesting always capturing my attention. The ending I enjoyed most as it was very unexpected and went well with the plot after he spent 25 years digging through a wall so he could escape.
My favorite character in the film was Red played by Morgan Freeman who also narrated the movie. I really liked his voice it was so calm and easy to listen to and he spoke clearly that made me listen. He was a loyal character who kept his promises and was the wises and knew how to exploit the jail system so he could get things for him and other prisoners for a price of course.
The film has very many different emotions from happiness and sadness for example happiness where Andy the main character got beers for his co-workers in prison and they had a chance to feel like free normal men and sadness where one of the mean in prison kills himself after leaving prison as he cant survive in the outside world.
Overall I think that this film is one of the best films that I have ever seen and I do recommend that others should watch it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bored of sickness

I missed the whole first week of term, not because I was on a holiday but by the fact that I was sick. You practically die of boredom missing a whole week, not being able to talk to anyone or play any sport I was even deprived of asking my friends how there holidays were. While I was sick the only thing that I could do was lie on the couch and watch TV. During the week nothing is on only silly repeats or silly soaps that nobody likes so I had to watch my DVDs.
For once I thought that I would actually LOVE to be at school and do work but seen as I couldn’t even walk from one end of my house to another.
But finally know when I was enough I got to join society and man doe it feel good.