Monday, April 7, 2008

Monkey bite

I remember back when I was about 9 or 8 years old. My brother, Mum and I were off for an exciting holiday in Indonesia. The country was beautiful and amazing with the children building animals out of the sand. The view itself was flabbergasting, with magnificent clear, green water and golden sand. A few of the days we were there my brother and I were sent off to kids club where we joined the circus folk learning to juggle and attempt a uni-cycle. We even watched some performance made up by the staff which I must admit were rather strange and creepy like the Michael Jackson impersonator.

On a beautiful day we decided to do some site seeing. We joined a tour group that took us to a temple. It was gigantic, with these random statues of men sitting on rocks. The temple like most places had its very own pet monkey. We all got given a banana each to feed it. I was the first to go feed it. I peeled the banana and slowly moved towards the monkey, when my hand got close enough to it I felt teeth digging into my hand. The monkey had bit me. Both filled with shock, embarrassment and pain I began to cry. I cried because monkeys were my favourite animal and now if had viscously attacked me.
One of the men working at the temple handing out the bananas came up to me to see if I was alright. Unfortunately with his lack of communication he didn’t tell me that the monkey is bad tempered and likes to peel the banana itself or it will hurt you some how I just didn’t seem to get that message.

The trip had been full or many exciting and rare adventure and I’m pretty sure most people haven’t experienced it too. Feeling rather special on the way home I finally decided lions are my new favourite animals now lets just hope I dont get bitten by one of them.

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