Monday, March 31, 2008

Geography town trip

Catching the bus for me is a totally new experiance. I felt like I was in another world, completely differnt from my nice, spacish, air conditioned car to a bus cramed full of people with their bags and smelly bodies.
I had no idea what I was doing on the bus or where I was ment to be going, I knew where I had to get to but not how to get there. Luckerly people on the bus and other members in my group did.

Of course the first thing when we arrive in town was go directly to McDonalds to order some nice greezy breakfast which will probably put a few extra pounds onto our hips. Our groups goal today was to take as many photos as we could, that were funny and places to go see that were on our task list. We all look awefully cool as we asked strange members of the public to take photos of us as we struck our posers looking like complete and utter idiots while recieving a few laughs from the passing people.

The only guy member of our group was funny enough and had the most courage to dress up wearing a super tiny bumble bee oustit and a kermit the frog suit. Later when we were in a supre we all tryed on some rather COOL clothes including the guy who wore some rather bright green shorts an pink shirt, the security guard at the other end of the shop watched us and we probably made his day as he got a good laugh out of it as we posed for yet a few more photos.

Later on when walking around the shopping centre we were stopped by a sercurity guard, we showed our letter saying we were aloud in the shops and had permission to be out of school. Then continused to tell us rules like "dont talk to customers" or "no taking photos". We were getting rather sick of the shops anyway and caught the train back to town.

We stayed a few extra hours and then caught the bus back home for a rather fun game of pool at the local bowling alley. Then left the day of excitement behind and went home for some dinner.

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