Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Application Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Victoria Falconer and I wish to apply for a spot in you physical education course. I wish to be considerered for this opportunty as I show an interest and familar to this particular subject. I am enthusiastic about this course. I have taken physical education at college and I have played a range of sports from tennis to netball to lacrosse. I am planning on using this course to later on in the near future start a career involving physical education.

Thank you for considering my letter of application, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Victoria Falconer

Monday, May 5, 2008

Essay-rising cost affecting teenagers

The rising cost of living is affecting the teenagers today. Because of the rising costs students struggle with independence, teenagers are unable to afford luxuries or socials outings and the cost of school and the costs of sporting and schoolings become unplayable.

Everybody wants independence whether you are a young adult or and eighty year old man. When a teenager becomes mentally old enough to leave home the rising costs make this hard to do so. The price of food has increased so much that to buy just the necessary food like bread, cheese and milk and cost you up to around twenty dollars, which is barely a meal.
The price of living in a home by yourself is horrific. To run a household a person must play for the increase in taxes, rising food bills and the even more expensive, the electricity bill.
So therefore when I teenager finally wants to break free and live in freedom they are unable to do so.

Teenagers have to work long hard hours because of minimum wage. For a student to now buy a one scoop piece of ice-cream it shall cost around $3 so they then have to choose an ice block at the corner dairy. The rising prices are making an everyday social life a lot more expensive. Even the local pool has gone up in price. To pay for a social life people will have to work longer hours, which may not be available and this could be a problem if the teenagers are at university or high school.

Do you want and education? Most will say yes. Because of the amount everyone is spending on their bills less money is being spent towards schools. Therefore this is making the schools and education be put last. The costs of playing at a sports centre has gone up to match the economy’s prices. Without sports New Zealand will have less healthy teenagers and obesity will become an even bigger issue.

All the rising prices are affecting the youth. When will these increases in prices stop or will they continue to rise to so that only the wealthy can do as they please. The rising prices does not benefit anyone else but those who are selling or advertising it. The Government should stop this to help our teenagers.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The battle at laser force

Pitch black. Flashing lights. I crouch low to the ground trying not to be seen or heard. I see people running. Everyone is fighting for there lives. People are getting shot. My laser gun remains close to my chest. I lay low shooting the red team. Unable to see me they wonder who has committed this crime. I get bored of not moving. I come out from my little hide away and begin to run. I stand back up against the wall. I do some Charlie’s angels poses and roll along the ground shooting the enemy.
The whispers come from my suit telling me I am in first place. A smirk appears on my face as once again I shall be victorious and win the battle. Then I’m shot. I run and duck behind a wall waiting till I am reborn.
I run to their base all angry for who would shoot the almighty Naganata. Rage over takes me. I attack their base not keeping any survivors. But I was going in alone, which was not safe. I was out numbered. I ran away sprinting while I was being shot at. I find a fellow team mate called Ice Man. We join together thinking for our safety for we shall then come out on top.
The massive spider lurches behind us. It shoots Ice Man, Ice Man is down. Blood rushes to my head full of angry. I shoot the spider killing it.
Supernova my own flesh and blood begins shooting at me. Traitor, I yell. I look Ice Man in the eye and we knew what had to be done. We turn the corner and fire shoots till my brother is it dead.
After ten minutes of dangerous battle I come out on top. This was predicted from all. I am the laser force champion. I had killed my own brother thirteen times but he needed to be taught were his loyalties should lie.

Click here to view the other side of the story.


Every child has dreamed of having some sort of super power but the questions is which super hero power do you want.
Do you want to have be able to fly and have amazing strength like superman. You could have the abilities of a spider like Spiderman or maybe you might consider the superpowers of say a mutant of being able to run through walls or create storms at any time.
Personally I would rather be able to pick a power whenever I felt the need to use it.

Here are a few things I would use superpowers for:
-Instead of getting stuck in traffic I would just fly places
-I could just teleport to what every country I wanted to and then when I get tired I would just teleport myself home every night.
-I could read minds for a laugh to see how some people actually think.
-Oh and I would use superpowers for world peace. I kind of have to say that.
-I would use time travel to go back in time and redo things
-I wish I had the powers to just zap anything in front of me from a new car to pie.

I could think of a million more reasons but then the list would be never ending and you would be wishing that you had powers to make the list shorter or disappear.

In the dead of night

He hides behind a bush in the dead of night waiting for the family to leave their house. He hid behind that bush for a week, watching the family. He learned where he kept the valuables and when they leave for work or a night out on the town. He choose the biggest house on the block, the flashest house where he might get the most money for. The house was easy to break into, the cops arrived he would be able to escape from all sides of the houses. The house had didn’t have a dog or security system he learned all this from his stalker observations.

The two family members leave at exactly 8:00pm every night but leaving the light and television on to give an appearance that someone is home. That night when he planned to make his move he family left exactly on the dot. He waited an extra ten minutes crouched behind a bush incase the family came back to get something. When he began his move his slowly crept toward the front door. He pulled out the lock picking tools and began picking the lock. It took about thirty seconds before it was open.

Me moved slowly around the house. He pulled out the cables from the wall of the televisions and computers. He shoved jewellery and money and allsorts of small objects into a sack. Once he had collected all the small objects he began on the bigger ones. He left the house for five minutes and came back into a van and began loading the televisions and stereos.

Forty minutes later the house was empty and he was gone. It was a job well done. The family arrived home 2 hours later to find and empty home. Soon the house was swarmed with sirens, blue and red lights and clusters of people surrounding the house. He watched and smirked for a few minutes and then droved off into the darkness.

I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry

This movie was incredibly funny. If your looking for a good chuckle this is a movie to watch with your friends. The movie is about to straight men that try to get the legal benefits of being in a domestic relationship together. The movie grabs your attention with its witty plot and funny dialogue this movie is one to watch.

Holiday sickness

Being sick in the holidays always seems to happen too me. Now matter where I am if I’m in New Zealand or up in the tropics of Australia a cold always seems to find me. I’m at home sitting in bed instead of doing anything else.
I don’t think that in the last three years I have gone a whole holiday without one day of being sick. But when school starts I’m always healthy and bored out of my mind.