Saturday, May 3, 2008

In the dead of night

He hides behind a bush in the dead of night waiting for the family to leave their house. He hid behind that bush for a week, watching the family. He learned where he kept the valuables and when they leave for work or a night out on the town. He choose the biggest house on the block, the flashest house where he might get the most money for. The house was easy to break into, the cops arrived he would be able to escape from all sides of the houses. The house had didn’t have a dog or security system he learned all this from his stalker observations.

The two family members leave at exactly 8:00pm every night but leaving the light and television on to give an appearance that someone is home. That night when he planned to make his move he family left exactly on the dot. He waited an extra ten minutes crouched behind a bush incase the family came back to get something. When he began his move his slowly crept toward the front door. He pulled out the lock picking tools and began picking the lock. It took about thirty seconds before it was open.

Me moved slowly around the house. He pulled out the cables from the wall of the televisions and computers. He shoved jewellery and money and allsorts of small objects into a sack. Once he had collected all the small objects he began on the bigger ones. He left the house for five minutes and came back into a van and began loading the televisions and stereos.

Forty minutes later the house was empty and he was gone. It was a job well done. The family arrived home 2 hours later to find and empty home. Soon the house was swarmed with sirens, blue and red lights and clusters of people surrounding the house. He watched and smirked for a few minutes and then droved off into the darkness.

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