Monday, March 31, 2008

Geography town trip

Catching the bus for me is a totally new experiance. I felt like I was in another world, completely differnt from my nice, spacish, air conditioned car to a bus cramed full of people with their bags and smelly bodies.
I had no idea what I was doing on the bus or where I was ment to be going, I knew where I had to get to but not how to get there. Luckerly people on the bus and other members in my group did.

Of course the first thing when we arrive in town was go directly to McDonalds to order some nice greezy breakfast which will probably put a few extra pounds onto our hips. Our groups goal today was to take as many photos as we could, that were funny and places to go see that were on our task list. We all look awefully cool as we asked strange members of the public to take photos of us as we struck our posers looking like complete and utter idiots while recieving a few laughs from the passing people.

The only guy member of our group was funny enough and had the most courage to dress up wearing a super tiny bumble bee oustit and a kermit the frog suit. Later when we were in a supre we all tryed on some rather COOL clothes including the guy who wore some rather bright green shorts an pink shirt, the security guard at the other end of the shop watched us and we probably made his day as he got a good laugh out of it as we posed for yet a few more photos.

Later on when walking around the shopping centre we were stopped by a sercurity guard, we showed our letter saying we were aloud in the shops and had permission to be out of school. Then continused to tell us rules like "dont talk to customers" or "no taking photos". We were getting rather sick of the shops anyway and caught the train back to town.

We stayed a few extra hours and then caught the bus back home for a rather fun game of pool at the local bowling alley. Then left the day of excitement behind and went home for some dinner.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The morning tea accident!

This morning tea time like most throughout the year are rather dull, though still better than classes. I was rather bored and energetic and really needed something to do.
A tennis ball lay unused in my bag. A thought triggered in my head which rarely happens. So I started a rather lame game of catch with my friends for some entertainment. The game wasn't very exciting till we changed the rules and started playing the game horse, left hand catch and throw only. As usual as most know I am a rather competitive person, and I dont handle losing well. I got extremely competitive and threw some rather hard passes but not yet dropping the ball, im too skillful. Just kidding. Then the game sort of turned into a volleyball test, as my friend hit the ball towards me I hit it back twice as hard but the ball decided it wanted to aim low and next thing you know my friend is almost on the ground. Face bright red while others gather to laugh. I immediatly feel extremly bad as I did not do it on purpose not that I would ever do that on purpose anyway but getting back to the point I felt teriible there was my good friend in so much pain. He became fine after a minute or two which made me feel better and the game continue.

Monday, March 17, 2008

One click from danger!

Watching the youtube video one click from danger tought me alot that even my bebo and myspace could be putting me in danger. By mentioning my school or town where I am from is putting me at risk, espically because I have photos of myself and other friends. While chatting to my friends I dont realise that other people are reading these comments too which means someone might no where I am at any moment.
I have learned that you do not add any random person you only add people you know as you never know who you might be talking to. For all I know I could have add someone pretending to be a young teen an they could be some strange old man.

I have now gone through my bebo and removed my school and I know now not to post personal information in comments.


Vivid views
Bumper to bumper,
Time standing still
Angry horns, loud music
Waiting for movement. Hope
Impatient and late,then panic hits
Frustration, and anger
Loud voices in my head
But time still stands still

Time flying by
Silence, quiet radio tunes
Flowing swiftly
Composed and early, carm
Silent mumers hum in my head
Times flowing by fast

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Haunted castle

"I knew we should have asked for directions. Were lost, in a forest in the middle of no where."said Belle " oh were not lost I know exactly where we are, this is just a shortcut. See look theys the cottage we are stayin at." " That doesnt look like a cottage to me. Its a castle. Maybe they know how to get to our cottage." Belle ran towards the cockle drive towards to two magnifcent high gates. The could have been the pearl gates except they were black coal strangled by vines. Lights were on inisde showing life. The gates were ajar, Belle squeezed through the gap. She turned around to face Bill. He was white faced and panicy. She tired to squeeze though the gate but he was too large. Belle smiled and laughed and went on without him. She walked up towards the front door. The stood as high as a two story house. The door handle was of a gargel. As she grabbed the handle a cold chill went up her spine. She knocked twice and waited. She waited about five minutes when the door slowly creaked open. Belle fell backwards with shock and lay on the ground. Nothing appeared to be at the door. She got to her feet still shacken and proceeded to go inside. The hallwya was dark and covered with cobwebs, she searched for a lightswitch but could not find one. A candle stood alit on the table. She picked it up and as she did so the front door slammed shut. She screamed and yelled "whos there in a voice of fear and panic." Nobody replied. She ran back to the door she pulled on the dorr handle but the door would not open. She banged on the door and called for help but she was stuck. Belles face now covered in tears continued to find someone to let her out. She moved almost snail pace through the castle. She felt like she kept hearing footsteps behind but when she turned around nobody was there. She knew she had seen a light somewhere on the second floor but she could not find stair. Belle thought she had search everywhre but everwhere she went she seemed to turn back and find herself in the same spot in the hallway. So she stood at the first door and opened it and inside found a kitchen covered in old food and unwashed dishes. She closed the door and opened it again this time the room held a bedroom, she shut the door and opened yet again. This time a spiral staircase was in the centre of a room. Walking in quietly staring up at the top of the stairs she knew they led to the second floor. She climbed the stairs to the room that had the light. Nobody was there. She called out asking for help. The castle was moving by itself. It was like it was alive. Outside the gates forced themselves completely shut locking bill out. He pushed the bars and heard Belle scream. They wouldnt move. He was suddenly throwen backwards and the vines became a hand and grasped the castle. It picked it up and began to move it. Bill culd do nothing but watch both frightened to death and shocked with what he was seeing. Back inside the castle Belle was being tossed side to side as the house moved away. Trapped she looked out the window and watched as she moved away from Bill. The castle spoke and told her she was the castles prisoner then everything went dark. Bill ran back through the forest and told a town what had happened. He told them what he saw and how his friend was indanger. They all laughed and told him he needs help as they said when he passed through today be travelled by himself. Confused Bill left the town. Did Belle really exsist had he been dreaming. Two weeks later in the newpaper back in the town where Belle and Bill were from a missing photo with both Belle and Bill covered the centre spot of the front page.

Snow White- The Queen prequel

The Princess stared at her mirror brushing her long lushous sliky black locks. She spent hours of her day admiring herself and demanding constant worshipping and complements on her beauty. Her mother would tell her she was a magnifcent creation of beauty and the Prince that was coming to visit to choose his bride would choose her above all the others.

When the day had come all the other Princesses dresses themselves in elegant gowns with sparking diamonds and long curly locks hung from their heads. Every princess looked magnifcent. The Prince gracefully around the room bowing to the beautyful women. As he came to the Princess he asked her one question " Who do you love the most" she replied quiet quickly "myself." He glared at her in shock and then slowly driffed into the crowd. The Princess knew she had won his heart because of her beauty.

As the time came for the Prince to announce his new bride to be the Princess started to move forward smirking at the others, her head held high looking down on everyone to make them feel below her. But when her name was not called by the Prince a huge red blast swarmed her face. Her lips pursed and eyebrows raised, she stormed off huffing , smoke beaming from her ears.

She stared hard into her mirror questioning why she was not choosen. She spoke the words " Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?" A face appeared in the mirror. It speaks the words " for you are beautyful but not the fairest for she is pure and heavenly for she is the new bride to be." The furious Princess screamed out to the whole kingdom, red faced and calls for the executioner. She told him to to come back unless her heart was in this box. Hours passes and she waited. As the executioner returned with heart in the box all mangled and bloody she smiles and stares back into her mirror.

Her vain routine of staring at herslef daily continues until she decided to speak the words "Mirror mirrow on the wall who is the fairest of them all?" When her name was not spoken she again called for the executioner and asked for her heart.

Everyday she spoke those magic words to the mirror pining that for once it would say her. She continued to hate those more beautyful than she and again and again she took their lives.

The Princess waited many years for a prince and when see finally found one that would marry her, she found out he had a daughter snow white. But she did not love this man and once she was Queen he disappeared keeping snowwhite as a servant and the day she bacame morw beautyful than her she would take her heart too. She new she would never stop this until the mirror replyed " you are the fairest of them all"

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I lay there on my hommock swaying to and fro like a boat with sea sickness almost hitting me. I stare up at the sky and and watch the clouds float but I smile crosses my face as a stare out to the beauty of this world. Slowly I close my eyes and I drift off into a deep sleep.

I chill runs down my back and I waken to a sky of anger. Black cloud smothers the blue sky. As I slowly dirft out of my hammock still half asleep my heart begins to thump as I stare out to the horizon I see a black smog twisting together coming my way. A tornando.

My first instinct was to run. I started running down my driveway before I realised I was being a complete idiot there was no way in a million years I could out run a tornado. I see my mother standing in the kitchen. She had no idea it was coming as she was still whistling like an old housewive as she cleaned the dishes. I sprint towards my house. As I run in I'm panting from my sprint and crying for what I was and what was going to come. I couldnt get my words across until mum grabbed my arms and shock me. The words tornado, coming, this, way slowing came out.

We entered the basement of our house it was old covered in cobwebs and you practically breathed dust. This was our only safe place but their was no guareentes this was going to help us. We grabbed the few family possions like the jewellary, photo albums and the family pets along with food and water but with each second still looking out the window to see how close it was. It moved to quickly and swiftly wiping out everything in its pages throwing cars hundreds of metres away from where they were parked. We enter the basement and lock the door.

Mum and I shut our eyes as we hear the sound of our farm being torn to shreads. We hug each other tightly not wanting to let go.

It felt like my ear drums just shattered. I had never heard anything so loud. I heard the roof fly off and it sounded like my car had gone too. But it was so quick and over fast I did not want to open my eyes still I didnt want to see it come back. We waited for about and hour. Then slowly dragged ourselfs outside. The house was just a big rubbish tip. The cattle we bred were dead and the two trees that my hammock one lay was gone.

This was the most frightful thing ever and I knew my family was broke with no insurance but somehow I new we would survive

Saturday, March 8, 2008

PE camp

When I was at PE camp last week it was actually one of the most exciting things I have ever done. Cooking my own food for a few days was a bit of a challenge especially not knowing how to make meat patties, who knew you couldn’t just roll mince into a ball.
The 6:30 morning wake ups quite challenging having to force myself up from my eight man tent from my comfortable blow up bed. The jog to the beach on the first morning was pretty easy I was just spssshhh this is a breeze until we made it on the beach after jogging down a massive hill then the sprints began. My first reaction when we got told we were doing sprints was oh crap seen as sprinting was definity not my sporting genre.
We did the following activities at camp.

My group was the first group to do the orienteering we also got the worst time. We however did not know you were meant to run it so we casually walked it. I however was not a very happy camper after this due to the fact that my pastie skin has let me down again. I forgot to put sun cream on. My arms felt like they were on fire and I still have some lovely t-shirt lines a week later.

Hot pool
This was pretty much the relax activity. With everyone piling up the slides and all going down at one or just chilling in the hot pool.

Surf Survival
We got to learn how to save people from near drowning experience. Jokes. We had to pretend to help someone pretending to drown. It did look quite easy at first but swimming out battling against the waves and the rip then coming back with some an extra person and dragging them up the beach took a lot of strength and was extremely tiring

This was pretty easy for me. I have been kayaking many times with my dad. Though I must admit I have never stood up and paddled before on a kayak and I didn’t fall in.

Solo was when I was dropped out by myself with no humans to socialize with in the middle of the night for a few hours. At first I was abit scared as my eyes had not yet adjusted to the dark sky an I hadn’t got used to the sounds of the bush. I kept expecting something to come jumping out of the bush at any second. But after the first ten minutes I just lay there and looked at the stars dozing off for a few minutes at a time.

Tree adventure
This was the best activity of the lot. Being up high in the air was awesome, we went on heaps of flying foxes and the challenges were so much fun. The was even a rope swing and a skateboard. Everything was about 10-20 meters off the ground.

Mountain biking
This was my least favourite activity mainly because I was so tired by the end of the week. Going down steep uneven slopes was quite scary and the jumps were just a bit to much for me to handle so I passed on them. But at the end of the day I am pretty sure most people had a very sore bum.

Burma Trial
This was quite funny I would have liked to have watched it from an onlookers point of view. We were blind folded and had to follow a rope through the bush. Yes it may sound easy but sometimes you are so lost and confused you don’t know where you are.

When it was time to leave you could tell that people were tired as a few people fell asleep on the bus but it was a sad feeling to as everyone got along so well at camp together. But I must say coming home to a decent shower and bed was just as good,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The snake

I peer through the smudged glass window into a damp shadowy bug infested cave where the inferred florescent light bulb flickers to show a poor old dried up snake. The conditions it was living in looked inhuman as the snake clutched onto an old shoe. I stare back into the snakes eyes wondering if it was alive hoping for some kind of movement.
As I watch the snake for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes I was shoved aside by a greasy looking man with a jester suit on. He carried a camera that was flung over his head and a sign under his arm. He placed the sign next to the snakes glass cage and pulled a key from his pocket along with a dead mouse. His beady eyes stared at the snake and then everything felt like silence and I felt a cold chill on my spine as if I just heard a girls scream. The man rubbed his hands together and laughed as he then began to open the cage. I felt sorrow. I couldn’t let that man touch the snake. He lifted it up and threw it over his shoulder with the snakes head hitting the slapping the solid cold concrete with an almighty bang he shrugged his shoulders and smirked to himself as if he had just done something funny. I was too busy watching this cruel man that I had forgotten I was still lying on the ground.
Huge crowds of people now surrounded the cage, the man was collecting money from all these people and shoving it into his pockets like a greedy pig that hadn’t eaten in weeks. I watched as he wrapped the snake around a mans neck, the snake was a limb and had no strength to hold on it just hung there like a dried brown scarf. The man lifted his camera to his face and spoke the word smile, it sounded like a shrieking bird gasping for breathe. He handed the man his photo and began repeating his little money scheme with his next customer.
As I sat there watching him and the snake I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t not just watch that man abuse the right of this snake all of a few coins to put more grease through his hair.
All of a sudden my head felt light and for some reason it left like an alarm went off inside. I chuckled to myself hopping my brilliant plan would work.I forced myself up with all my strength and walked towards the man. I handed over ten dollars and took my place over by the cage. He slowly moved towards me and began wrapping the snake around my neck the smell that came from his armpits was enough to make me hurl. He walked back to take my photo when my phone alarm went off which I had cleverly placed behind him. Everyone including the man turned around which gave me just enough time to fade into the crowd. It was hard trying to blend in with a massive snake around my neck. As I got to the security gates I knew my plan had failed when I saw the security guard look my way. He sprinted towards me and I knew I had been caught I stuck my arms out for the handcuff to be placed on when I felt a gush of wind as he ran straight by me. I was rather confused but I didn’t waste anytime to finish my escape plan. I made it safely towards my car and drove straight to the zoo. That reptile centre will be closed down and stopped. I knew I saved this creature

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My safe house

As the sirens slowly disappear into the distance, I hide, I hide from the only life i know which i have throw away all for a silly ipod. I'm now out in the middle of no where. A cottage lays hidden in the bush. Its covered in vines and plants and grass grow off the roof just like the hobbits houses. As I approach the house my nose begans tingle. A horridle strenge of old milk and cheese, i get a huge gasp of air before i approach just incase this is my last breathe. The front door hangs from its hinges, the protective screen door lays bent and smashed on the the deck that painted the colour of brown or maybe thats just the mud. The house looked like nobody had or could have lived in it for the last couple of years. As I force my way through the door sadly the inside is no improvement. A ripped couch lays in the middle of the room ontop of mouldly floor boards. I knew seen as I had been running from the cops I had to find someehere to hide so this place cant be too bad. Fadded curtains lay across the ground along with old pictures frames. The cottage is so small it doesnt contain a functioning bathroom or kitchen nor a bed. The soft mouldly wooden floor doesnt look to bad to sleep on. But this shall be my home I dont have a better offer.

The Waves

The sun beams down on my white glowing skin. Immediantly the sun always chooses me. The waves from the ocean lap at my feet as a squige sand between my toes i stare out over the horizon.Boats frow to and forth by the tossing and turning in the magnificant ocean of blue. I watch as all my friends go running towards the water diving through the waves. White horses crash as they duck dive underneath the viloent swell. They call for me to come join them but I my feet just wouldn"t take me there. The gigantic waves keep crashing around my friends but everyone seemed to be ok and having a blast. I was never confident in the surf I grew up using pools and spa baths never the the rough swell at the beach.They keep calling to me. Everyones spashing around and having fun and I was the only one left on the beach. I didnt want to feel disclouded so I went in. As the first wave approachs i duck dive under the the wave, I could feel the pressure rush past me pulling me back a meter or two but I was fine. When I came up for my breathe another huge wave hit me but this time face. I felt like my nose had just broken and i couldnt breathe my mouth was filled with faul tasting salt water. I was swept back at least ten metres before the wave became weak and let me break free. I soon knew that this was too much for me too handle but I was stuck. Waves kept crashing on my head as i tried to swim back to shore, I was stuck in a rip. I swam with all my strength. When i coujld finally feel the sand beneath me a huge relef came. I would survive. I knew what I had done was stupid and my life could have ended. I walked out of the water and sat on the sand. I knew now this would be my place from now on.

Sydney Opera House

You stand there looking up at the steps. The hundreds of steps. You wonder how all those women make it up there wearing their extreme high heals and tight dresses. As i follow the huge crowds of people up the stair the more and more I feel out of place. Im about to spend the next 3 hours listening to a bunch of none famous people try to see who can sing the highest personally i think half the time they make up another silly languge just so no one else can understand.As you enter the Opera house you are practically in another world. Its a land of extreme beauty and wilt walls that look about 100 years old covered in what looks like famous paintings. The bar has huge cues as it seems that its tradition that you have to be holding a glass of shapane even if you are going to drink it or not. All i hear are the sounds of the woman gossiping about how expensive their diamond necklaces are and who's husband earns the most cash. While the pull up the jackets to show off their new rolexs and cuff links. I think people like that tend to remind me of the men that worked all their lives and have had no life.As its time to enter the room the place of doom I wonder if my eyes will actually be able to stay open that long. Unforuntaly im going to have to find out.

Airport departure lounge

As I stare at my ipod choosing a song. I wait. I wait in the lounge ofonly bordem. A song I dont recognise plays louding in my ears.I soon find my eyes wandering, staring at the others within the lounge.An old man sits lad back in his seat, comforatble like he is sitting backat home in a big brown arm chair. He reads a news paper but as look closerI'm not even sure he is even awake.A young man, bald with pale skin stands with his back pressed hard again a wall clutching his bag tight to his chest like it was mans bestfriend and inside contain this weeks winning lotto ticket. His eyes are blood shock and sweat runs down his face like afountain. Every movement around him like a person moving to closer hegrasps his bag tighter, the expression on his face showed nerves and theshuffling of his feet told me he was about run away from this joint assoon as possible. Because of this mans behavior I wonder if there isanything in that bag that he doesnt want anyone to get a hold of, I lookback at his face and the blood shock eyes make me think he is carryingdrugs.The clock behind me ticks slower and slower. However the people around memove faster and faster all in big clumps like those Kelelog crunchadverts. The feeling makes me feel ill and slighty costrophobic. The soundis incredibly loud. Women gossip. Men stand silent nodding there heads asif to say "yes hunny or course" and " your alwaysright". Children run around screaming and chase each other while theparents try to carm them down without making a scene and the sound ofscreaming babies rattling in my ears.Impatient now. I constantly stare back at the clock. But time seems tostand stil. Mintues remain.The young man leaning against the wall looks like he is going to pass out with his face looking pailer than the moon though his face did show a glimspe of happiness as he had almost succeed his mission."ding dong this is flight QF44 we would now like to start boarding passengers between rows 45-27. Soon the huge clusters of people go rushing through the door I pick up my bag and join them.

first post

whhooo well isnt this exciting my first blog on

it took my awhile to work out how to use it but i think now I have done quite well.