Sunday, March 9, 2008


I lay there on my hommock swaying to and fro like a boat with sea sickness almost hitting me. I stare up at the sky and and watch the clouds float but I smile crosses my face as a stare out to the beauty of this world. Slowly I close my eyes and I drift off into a deep sleep.

I chill runs down my back and I waken to a sky of anger. Black cloud smothers the blue sky. As I slowly dirft out of my hammock still half asleep my heart begins to thump as I stare out to the horizon I see a black smog twisting together coming my way. A tornando.

My first instinct was to run. I started running down my driveway before I realised I was being a complete idiot there was no way in a million years I could out run a tornado. I see my mother standing in the kitchen. She had no idea it was coming as she was still whistling like an old housewive as she cleaned the dishes. I sprint towards my house. As I run in I'm panting from my sprint and crying for what I was and what was going to come. I couldnt get my words across until mum grabbed my arms and shock me. The words tornado, coming, this, way slowing came out.

We entered the basement of our house it was old covered in cobwebs and you practically breathed dust. This was our only safe place but their was no guareentes this was going to help us. We grabbed the few family possions like the jewellary, photo albums and the family pets along with food and water but with each second still looking out the window to see how close it was. It moved to quickly and swiftly wiping out everything in its pages throwing cars hundreds of metres away from where they were parked. We enter the basement and lock the door.

Mum and I shut our eyes as we hear the sound of our farm being torn to shreads. We hug each other tightly not wanting to let go.

It felt like my ear drums just shattered. I had never heard anything so loud. I heard the roof fly off and it sounded like my car had gone too. But it was so quick and over fast I did not want to open my eyes still I didnt want to see it come back. We waited for about and hour. Then slowly dragged ourselfs outside. The house was just a big rubbish tip. The cattle we bred were dead and the two trees that my hammock one lay was gone.

This was the most frightful thing ever and I knew my family was broke with no insurance but somehow I new we would survive

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