Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Airport departure lounge

As I stare at my ipod choosing a song. I wait. I wait in the lounge ofonly bordem. A song I dont recognise plays louding in my ears.I soon find my eyes wandering, staring at the others within the lounge.An old man sits lad back in his seat, comforatble like he is sitting backat home in a big brown arm chair. He reads a news paper but as look closerI'm not even sure he is even awake.A young man, bald with pale skin stands with his back pressed hard again a wall clutching his bag tight to his chest like it was mans bestfriend and inside contain this weeks winning lotto ticket. His eyes are blood shock and sweat runs down his face like afountain. Every movement around him like a person moving to closer hegrasps his bag tighter, the expression on his face showed nerves and theshuffling of his feet told me he was about run away from this joint assoon as possible. Because of this mans behavior I wonder if there isanything in that bag that he doesnt want anyone to get a hold of, I lookback at his face and the blood shock eyes make me think he is carryingdrugs.The clock behind me ticks slower and slower. However the people around memove faster and faster all in big clumps like those Kelelog crunchadverts. The feeling makes me feel ill and slighty costrophobic. The soundis incredibly loud. Women gossip. Men stand silent nodding there heads asif to say "yes hunny or course" and " your alwaysright". Children run around screaming and chase each other while theparents try to carm them down without making a scene and the sound ofscreaming babies rattling in my ears.Impatient now. I constantly stare back at the clock. But time seems tostand stil. Mintues remain.The young man leaning against the wall looks like he is going to pass out with his face looking pailer than the moon though his face did show a glimspe of happiness as he had almost succeed his mission."ding dong this is flight QF44 we would now like to start boarding passengers between rows 45-27. Soon the huge clusters of people go rushing through the door I pick up my bag and join them.

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