Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The snake

I peer through the smudged glass window into a damp shadowy bug infested cave where the inferred florescent light bulb flickers to show a poor old dried up snake. The conditions it was living in looked inhuman as the snake clutched onto an old shoe. I stare back into the snakes eyes wondering if it was alive hoping for some kind of movement.
As I watch the snake for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes I was shoved aside by a greasy looking man with a jester suit on. He carried a camera that was flung over his head and a sign under his arm. He placed the sign next to the snakes glass cage and pulled a key from his pocket along with a dead mouse. His beady eyes stared at the snake and then everything felt like silence and I felt a cold chill on my spine as if I just heard a girls scream. The man rubbed his hands together and laughed as he then began to open the cage. I felt sorrow. I couldn’t let that man touch the snake. He lifted it up and threw it over his shoulder with the snakes head hitting the slapping the solid cold concrete with an almighty bang he shrugged his shoulders and smirked to himself as if he had just done something funny. I was too busy watching this cruel man that I had forgotten I was still lying on the ground.
Huge crowds of people now surrounded the cage, the man was collecting money from all these people and shoving it into his pockets like a greedy pig that hadn’t eaten in weeks. I watched as he wrapped the snake around a mans neck, the snake was a limb and had no strength to hold on it just hung there like a dried brown scarf. The man lifted his camera to his face and spoke the word smile, it sounded like a shrieking bird gasping for breathe. He handed the man his photo and began repeating his little money scheme with his next customer.
As I sat there watching him and the snake I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t not just watch that man abuse the right of this snake all of a few coins to put more grease through his hair.
All of a sudden my head felt light and for some reason it left like an alarm went off inside. I chuckled to myself hopping my brilliant plan would work.I forced myself up with all my strength and walked towards the man. I handed over ten dollars and took my place over by the cage. He slowly moved towards me and began wrapping the snake around my neck the smell that came from his armpits was enough to make me hurl. He walked back to take my photo when my phone alarm went off which I had cleverly placed behind him. Everyone including the man turned around which gave me just enough time to fade into the crowd. It was hard trying to blend in with a massive snake around my neck. As I got to the security gates I knew my plan had failed when I saw the security guard look my way. He sprinted towards me and I knew I had been caught I stuck my arms out for the handcuff to be placed on when I felt a gush of wind as he ran straight by me. I was rather confused but I didn’t waste anytime to finish my escape plan. I made it safely towards my car and drove straight to the zoo. That reptile centre will be closed down and stopped. I knew I saved this creature

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