Saturday, March 15, 2008

Haunted castle

"I knew we should have asked for directions. Were lost, in a forest in the middle of no where."said Belle " oh were not lost I know exactly where we are, this is just a shortcut. See look theys the cottage we are stayin at." " That doesnt look like a cottage to me. Its a castle. Maybe they know how to get to our cottage." Belle ran towards the cockle drive towards to two magnifcent high gates. The could have been the pearl gates except they were black coal strangled by vines. Lights were on inisde showing life. The gates were ajar, Belle squeezed through the gap. She turned around to face Bill. He was white faced and panicy. She tired to squeeze though the gate but he was too large. Belle smiled and laughed and went on without him. She walked up towards the front door. The stood as high as a two story house. The door handle was of a gargel. As she grabbed the handle a cold chill went up her spine. She knocked twice and waited. She waited about five minutes when the door slowly creaked open. Belle fell backwards with shock and lay on the ground. Nothing appeared to be at the door. She got to her feet still shacken and proceeded to go inside. The hallwya was dark and covered with cobwebs, she searched for a lightswitch but could not find one. A candle stood alit on the table. She picked it up and as she did so the front door slammed shut. She screamed and yelled "whos there in a voice of fear and panic." Nobody replied. She ran back to the door she pulled on the dorr handle but the door would not open. She banged on the door and called for help but she was stuck. Belles face now covered in tears continued to find someone to let her out. She moved almost snail pace through the castle. She felt like she kept hearing footsteps behind but when she turned around nobody was there. She knew she had seen a light somewhere on the second floor but she could not find stair. Belle thought she had search everywhre but everwhere she went she seemed to turn back and find herself in the same spot in the hallway. So she stood at the first door and opened it and inside found a kitchen covered in old food and unwashed dishes. She closed the door and opened it again this time the room held a bedroom, she shut the door and opened yet again. This time a spiral staircase was in the centre of a room. Walking in quietly staring up at the top of the stairs she knew they led to the second floor. She climbed the stairs to the room that had the light. Nobody was there. She called out asking for help. The castle was moving by itself. It was like it was alive. Outside the gates forced themselves completely shut locking bill out. He pushed the bars and heard Belle scream. They wouldnt move. He was suddenly throwen backwards and the vines became a hand and grasped the castle. It picked it up and began to move it. Bill culd do nothing but watch both frightened to death and shocked with what he was seeing. Back inside the castle Belle was being tossed side to side as the house moved away. Trapped she looked out the window and watched as she moved away from Bill. The castle spoke and told her she was the castles prisoner then everything went dark. Bill ran back through the forest and told a town what had happened. He told them what he saw and how his friend was indanger. They all laughed and told him he needs help as they said when he passed through today be travelled by himself. Confused Bill left the town. Did Belle really exsist had he been dreaming. Two weeks later in the newpaper back in the town where Belle and Bill were from a missing photo with both Belle and Bill covered the centre spot of the front page.

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