Saturday, March 8, 2008

PE camp

When I was at PE camp last week it was actually one of the most exciting things I have ever done. Cooking my own food for a few days was a bit of a challenge especially not knowing how to make meat patties, who knew you couldn’t just roll mince into a ball.
The 6:30 morning wake ups quite challenging having to force myself up from my eight man tent from my comfortable blow up bed. The jog to the beach on the first morning was pretty easy I was just spssshhh this is a breeze until we made it on the beach after jogging down a massive hill then the sprints began. My first reaction when we got told we were doing sprints was oh crap seen as sprinting was definity not my sporting genre.
We did the following activities at camp.

My group was the first group to do the orienteering we also got the worst time. We however did not know you were meant to run it so we casually walked it. I however was not a very happy camper after this due to the fact that my pastie skin has let me down again. I forgot to put sun cream on. My arms felt like they were on fire and I still have some lovely t-shirt lines a week later.

Hot pool
This was pretty much the relax activity. With everyone piling up the slides and all going down at one or just chilling in the hot pool.

Surf Survival
We got to learn how to save people from near drowning experience. Jokes. We had to pretend to help someone pretending to drown. It did look quite easy at first but swimming out battling against the waves and the rip then coming back with some an extra person and dragging them up the beach took a lot of strength and was extremely tiring

This was pretty easy for me. I have been kayaking many times with my dad. Though I must admit I have never stood up and paddled before on a kayak and I didn’t fall in.

Solo was when I was dropped out by myself with no humans to socialize with in the middle of the night for a few hours. At first I was abit scared as my eyes had not yet adjusted to the dark sky an I hadn’t got used to the sounds of the bush. I kept expecting something to come jumping out of the bush at any second. But after the first ten minutes I just lay there and looked at the stars dozing off for a few minutes at a time.

Tree adventure
This was the best activity of the lot. Being up high in the air was awesome, we went on heaps of flying foxes and the challenges were so much fun. The was even a rope swing and a skateboard. Everything was about 10-20 meters off the ground.

Mountain biking
This was my least favourite activity mainly because I was so tired by the end of the week. Going down steep uneven slopes was quite scary and the jumps were just a bit to much for me to handle so I passed on them. But at the end of the day I am pretty sure most people had a very sore bum.

Burma Trial
This was quite funny I would have liked to have watched it from an onlookers point of view. We were blind folded and had to follow a rope through the bush. Yes it may sound easy but sometimes you are so lost and confused you don’t know where you are.

When it was time to leave you could tell that people were tired as a few people fell asleep on the bus but it was a sad feeling to as everyone got along so well at camp together. But I must say coming home to a decent shower and bed was just as good,

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